drawing of a sloth cuddling a tablet pen. the img is all in different hues of green

Sloth Swap

A Swap for Slow Artists

What is it?

The basic concept: A long-running Secret Santa.Participants will draw one piece during a total 3 month period for their randomized partner.--

As a slow artist & full-time retail worker, I find events daunting.Tight deadlines during the busiest times of year makes it hard for me to commit.So I wanted to create an event with more lax deadlines & stipulations for people in similar situations to join! Hence the lengthy timeline.I really understand how it is to be busy & feel left behind, so my mission with this is to extend grace & the opportunity to create & connect for people in the same boat as me.

Right now, I (mollusken) am planning to run this out of my little mutuals server, hence the 18+ rule.
I'm currently treating this first run as a beta test, so guidelines may adjust as it goes/for the next one.


The current proposal is:

- Sign-ups: August 05-September 02 (4 weeks)
Users will fill out and submit their info.
I'll treat the last week as a 'twilight' period and post reminders to get your links together, as well as DM anyone missing it.
- Pre-event Planning: September 03-10 (1 week)
In which pairs will be announced.
Participants will have time to get acquainted with their match's OCs & plan their pieces.
- Working Time: September 10-October 8
(4 weeks)
Go on & get drawing! Submittals will be open from this point on. (+an event for fast participants. maybe draw chain? sketch free-for-all? both?)
- Submittal Period: October 8-22 (2 weeks)
This is the period you should be submitting your piece. I will give this the same twilight time and send reminders in the final days.
Pieces will be submitted privately so that they may all be revealed at once. I'll be sorting the submissions during the days between this and the sharing period to make sure everyone is accounted for.- Sharing Period: October 27 & Onwards
All pieces will be shared during this time, and social posting can begin!

--TOTAL: 12 weeks (3 months).


- You DON'T need to be a slow artist to join! Everyone is welcome! :]- You must be 18+ to join.- Pieces must be SFW just to make this more inclusive to everyone involved. This means no heavy gore, or anything sexually explicit.- The final pieces must be 'finished'.
I want to take into consideration people's limits and styles, so at the moment 'finished' is defined as cleaned and colored (or color-blocked).
I want to ensure a certain level of equity for all participants while understanding limitations, which is why this rule is the way it is.- You must have the intention to complete your piece. I know life gets in the way and expect some drop outs, as happens in any event, but please come into it with the mindset of finishing so that everyone receives a piece.OK that's it. Be cool & have fun!


This link will take you to the discord we're running it out of! Feel free to hop in!Or if you prefer, fill out the google form to sign up that way. :]